Sunday, April 29, 2007

Beyond non-technical

The nice thing about working for Orange and Bronze is that I get to level-up. I have to do some things by myself and learn new technologies. Or maybe even not-so new ones but they are new to me anyway.

I am part of the web team and as such, I need to coordinate with them on how we would make our website look better.  When we started this project, I was mainly the only one who has been using WordPress and now even Brian and Edwin are getting more acquainted with it.  Right now, I am mainly tweaking it so that our templates would conform to the WordPress scheme of templates and files.  As well as tweaking the absolute paths which have been placed in the theme files.

I have been fiddling around with it and I needed a copy of the existing database. Prior to tonight, Ealden was the one who was doing that for me. He'd give me the archived copy of the database.  He gave me webadmin access sometime last week so a while ago, I fiddled around with it myself. I've only used PHPmyadmin to be honest so I didn't know but a Google search helped me.  Now I have a copy of the database which I could import via PHPmyadmin. (Hehe. Sorry, guys. I really don't know command line MySql.)

Even last week, I've been trying to help the interns figure out the innards of Open Realty.  It had some database blahberry so I had to understand it too.  I haven't quite fiddled around with the PHP of Open Realty and I am not quite sure if I will have the time to do so.  We'll see, we'll see.  (Everything's overwhelming as it is and being the loner, having a lot of people around me is another thing I have to get used to for the entire summer.)

I know how one of the interns feel, having to poke around more technical things. However, if it will help us get to understand the inner workings of something we have to tweak, I think that we have to do it.

This is one of those times that I tell myself that I am somehow in between two worlds: the technical side of things and the non-technical side of things.  With the website, I was mainly playing around with the layout, giving suggestions as to how it would look, etc. With the Open Realty tweak, I mainly try to understand how users should be able to make better use of it.  However, there are aspects that must be considered.  In the website, there's the templating system used by WordPress, web admin tasks and such.  In Open Realty, I've already mentioned it.  Maybe one of these days I won't feel overwhelmed anymore. And I hope it will come soon. :)

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